Universal Medical Group

Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine | Anti-Aging Treatments

Anti-Aging treatments

Using a an approach that is systems-oriented which engages the practitioner and the patient that are in the therapeutic partnership, the diseases underlying causes are addressed in functional medicine. This 21st century evolutionary medical practice better address a patient’s healthcare needs. Because the medical practice is more patient centered and shifted from a traditional disease centered basis, the whole person is addressed through functional medicine rather than symptoms that are typically in isolated sets. Patients are able to spend time with their functional medicine practitioners because they want to look at their interactions with their histories, genetics, environments, factors with lifestyle factors that could cause influences on the complexities of the patient’s health and their chronic disease. Because of this, functional medicine is able to support the unique vitality and health for each patient.

Why is functional Medicine Important?

There is a sharp increase of people suffering from chronic and complex diseases in our society including cancer, heart disease, mental illnesses, and autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis. Most physicians practice a system of medicine that where acute care is oriented as the starting stage, then the diagnosis, and trauma treatment or short illness and needs care urgently, such as a broken leg or appendicitis. Physicians are trained to apply prescribed and specific treatments such as surgery or drugs to treat the symptom or immediate problem.

The underlying problem is that the medial approach to acute-care is lacking is optimal tools and methods for the treatment and prevents of chronic or complex diseases. Under most circumstances, genetic make-up’s that are unique to individuals or environmental factors whereby people are exposed to certain toxins during their everyday lifestyles are not given enough credence. Many physicians do not have the proper training provide assessments for the underlying cause of chronic, complex disease and apply a strategy including diet, nutrition, and exercise as a means to both prevent and treat this illness for their patients.

How Does Functional Medicine Differ?

In order to treat and prevent a complex and chronic disease, functional medicine involves understanding the prevention and origins. Approaching functional medicine includes the following hallmarks:

Care that is Patient Centered: Patient-centered care is the focus of functional medicine, where health is promoted as a vitality that is positive, beyond that of just the disease being absent. When the practitioner listens to and learns the patient’s story, they are able to tailor a treatment that will address that person’s needs that are unique and individual.


A healthcare approach that is science-based and integrative: Functional medicine practitioners look at a myriad of reasoning when considering the complexities throughout the patient’s history, lifestyle, and physiology that could have led to their illness. In addition to their genetic make-up that is unique, internal and external factors are also taken into consideration.

Best Medical Practice Integration: Western medical practices that are considered traditional are integrated with functional medicine to develop a focus upon prevention through diet, nutrition, and exercise, use of diagnostic testing and other laboratory testing techniques; prescribed medications, supplements, herbal remedies, detoxifications, techniques in stress management, and therapy diets. For more information on this, call our hotline or make an appointment for a consultation.